The Lying Addiction


       Lying is addictive and really has a profound effect on trusting relationships. Many people believe a little white lie now and then can’t hurt anyone.  If you miss a deadline, just claim you left the missing assignment at home where you were working on it.  What harm can such a white lie cause?  If you don’t want to attend a friend’s party, just say you are busy.  If you want the day off, just say you are sick.  If you are looking for recognition at work or school, you claim the credit for someone else’s work. 

          The more you tell, the easier it becomes.  Many times you are not “caught” when you lie in this manner.  However, eventually such behavior does catch up with you, and sooner or later, you slip up.  When this occurs, you damage a relationship or several relationships in much the same way other addictive behaviors do.   People are hurt, disappointed, or betrayed by the lies and eventually cease to trust or respect you.  The antidote to this poisonous behavior is to offer no excuses or simply tell the truth. 

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