Brain Food

The Care and Feeding of the Brain


Believe it or not, what you eat affects how you think- and how well you remember.  The brain is fueled by a steady supply of glucose and substances containing neurotransmitters.  It works more efficiently when a combination of fiber-rich carbohydrates and proteins jump start its day.  One study revealed that children who breakfasted on sugary cereals or snacks and artificially sweetened drinks performed much like an average 70 year-old on tests of memory and attention.  They did better on cognitive tests with a breakfast of toast, but as the tests increased in difficulty, they were able to handle the challenge much better when a protein source was added to the toast.  Other studies have found a correlation between a high-fiber diet and improved cognitive abilities, so make that toast whole grain or make the protein one that is also high in fiber (such as beans).  Other foods that top the list of brain foods include:  broccoli, blueberries (or any bright-colored fruit), dark chocolate, nuts, olive oil, pumpkin (especially the seeds), salmon, spinach, tomatoes (especially tomato sauce), yogurt, and whole grains- all definitely food for thought!

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  • Posted by:Sandy-Cosgrove
  • in:General