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Teaching Children that Their Character Counts


This year Fairmont is amping up our character education program.  We believe that everything you say and do (or neglect to say or do) sends the world a message about your values.  All of us need to be sure that the messages we send reflect good character and the kinds of behavior we hope to see in our young people.  It is up to us to not only teach our young people right from wrong but also model ethical behavior ourselves.  Character education does not work if it is just taught in the home, nor does it work if it is solely left up to the school.  Together we must strive to instill in our children moral values so that they may become, as our mission states “exemplary citizens in a global society.

Core ethical values are universal and objective.  They provide timeless standards of good character.  Almost every major religion and culture has a version of the Golden Rule which it espouses–“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” or plainly stated, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”  Somehow in our 21st century world where cheating is commonplace and moral relativism reigns, we have lost sight of the basic concepts of right and wrong.  There is a big difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.  The real test of our character is whether we are willing to do the right thing even if it is not in our own self-interest or to do the right thing even when no one is looking.

We encourage you to come along with us and your children on this character-building journey this year.  Take advantage of the opportunities for great family discussions and a bit of self-examination.  Together we can certainly make a difference – a difference that could help change our world one child at a time.
