Living our "Character Counts" Program

We at Fairmont are proud to share with you that we have dedicated ourselves to teaching and living the Character Counts Program.  This is a program based on six core ethical values - Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.  We will be incorporating these values into our school community in ways that help our students understand what these values are and how they can live them each day.  This applies to us as adults as well. 

This month our focus is on the value of "Caring."  We have two activities planned which will allow our students to "live" this value.  Our students will be wearing denim on Friday in support of breast cancer research.  As part of this program, the students are encouraged to make a donation of five dollars toward this worthy cause.  This is sponsored by Lee Jeans and is a national fundraising activity. 

Also this month we will be donating "extra" Halloween candy to "Operation Candy" which will send these goodies to our soldiers overseas.  This allows our children to experience sharing and caring, and at the same time relieves parents' worry over too much sugar!  What a great idea.

Building good character begins with us as adults.  Parents and school working together can make an important impact on the formation of a child's character.  We intend to do our part in every way possible, and we see the Character Counts program as a vehicle to help make this happen.



Director's Series Begins Tonight!

Tonight, Wednesday, October 3, at 7:00 in our library, Understanding Accelerated Reading will be presented by our librarians, Mrs. Kim Abouabdou and Mrs. MaryLou Lloyd.  This is a program that our students use every day, and I'm sure all of our parents are interested in learning all about it.  The program is now on line and offers many features that we did not have in the past.  Please come on over - refreshments will begin at 6:30.
